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Microsoft Fabric

Since before Fabric’s public announcement we’ve been exploring, testing, and helping shape Fabric as a trusted partner.

We’ve built upon this experience to become thought leaders, with cornerstone blogs on how to get started with Fabric, regular shorts on features, and monthly news roundups helping the data community sift out the gems in each update.


What is Fabric?

Microsoft Fabric offers all aspects of a modern cloud data platform, from ingestion and data storage through transformations, to data serving and visualisation, all with minimal configuration as a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform, making it accessible to many organisations.


Fabric is Microsoft's vision for a unified software as a service (SaaS) data platform that brings together everything from data movement to data science, real-time Analytics, and business intelligence, all built upon the OneLake, a consistent, tenant-wide storage layer making data sharing simple and endless copies of data a thing of the past.


With Fabric, provisioning infrastructure, configuring resources, and setting up interconnectivity are no longer roadblocks to getting real business value from your data. You can establish an end-to-end analytics solution in no time, bringing your integration, data engineering, data science, and analyst teams together in one place to serve the business valuable insights through Power BI and intrinsic data sharing.

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What’s different about Fabric?

Microsoft Fabric is made up of many experiences and many ways of getting value from your data. This means you can augment your existing cloud data platform with Fabric, taking advantage of features such as Direct Lake connectivity to Power BI. Or build from scratch with everything in Fabric, simplifying data movement and integration with OneLake as your tenant-wide storage layer built. All on top of the open-source Delta file format, meaning you are not tied into a proprietary format or platform.

“How can I prove the value of Fabric compared to our current platform?”

Microsoft Fabric is so easy to get started with, but architecting a future-proofed platform often raises many challenges, like planning a viable workspace structure, assessing the data transformation options, or even planning a licensing strategy aren’t always as straightforward.

Whether you want quick hands-on guided experience with our Fabric Hackathon, a well-architected platform through our proof-of-concept build, or foundational knowledge to kick-start your team with our training, we have you covered. We offer a range of services to support every stage of your Fabric journey.

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Microsoft Fabric Proof of Concept/POC

Our 5-stage proof of concept programme takes just four weeks to demonstrate the potential of Fabric for your business:


Stage 1: Discover - A set of discovery workshops that help us get an understanding of your business and its relationship with data.

Stage 2: Plan - We map out your organisational structure to Fabric’s Data Mesh, focusing on a dataset serving a specific department.

Stage 3: Deploy - The plan is put into action with data connections set up, artefacts deployed and data ingested.

Stage 4: Review - How does the platform perform? Does it meet the core value areas for your business?

Stage 5: Vision - What’s next for your business and Fabric? How do you build a successful data analytics platform from here?

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"Advancing Analytics guided us through Fabric with their experience from the private preview. They helped us get up and running with the right foundational structure and enabled us to prove out the value of Fabric to the business."


Microsoft Fabric Hackathon

Our Fabric Hackathon is a great way to assess the capabilities of Microsoft Fabric, get guidance on best practices, limitations, and recommendations to determine how it can best fit your business.


Spanning 3 days, you can test-drive features and get a feel for Fabric using your data, all with the support of the Advancing Analytics team.

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