
Is your Data Strategy working for you?

Like most organisations, you’ll probably have amassed huge amounts of data but, the big question is, how can you ensure it’s delivering value? Your Data Strategy will take what you’ve got and make it work smarter for your business. A strong data strategy helps organisations effectively harness the potential of data and drive strategic decision-making by aligning with the overall goals and objectives of the business. 

We’ll deep-dive into your current business strategy, understanding the high-level goals of your organisation before assessing departmental strategies, current Data & AI capabilities and cultural maturity. From there, we’re perfectly placed to help you define a winning Data Strategy.

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Building a Data Strategy
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Building a Data Strategy

Building a data strategy is a comprehensive process that requires aligning data initiatives with business goals, ensuring robust data governance, designing scalable architecture, enabling advanced analytics, fostering a data-driven culture, and continuously monitoring progress. By following these steps, you can create a data strategy that effectively leverages your data assets to drive business success.

Our framework can take a top-down or bottom-up approach to building a Data Strategy based on your organisation’s needs. We will run interactive workshops with various stakeholders and teams throughout the organisation to:

  • Identify and understand current organisational strategy
  • Deep dive into departmental strategy
  • Understanding current Data & AI capabilities and maturity
  • Create an aligned data strategy that illustrates Vision, Strategic Goals, Initiatives and Gap Analysis

Data & AI Maturity Assessment

Advancing Analytics has developed a comprehensive Data & AI Maturity Assessment designed to help you understand current strengths and weaknesses before defining the best way forward. We get the most out of your people, process, and technology by establishing firm data foundations for a more productive future.

Data and AI Maturity is a journey. Our framework consists of a series of in-depth workshops, designed to establish a high-level roadmap to improve maturity. Leaving no stone unturned, we engage with stakeholders, developers, operations personnel and end users to ensure our recommendations reflect the needs of the entire organisation. 

We focus on the following key areas: 

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With learnings from the workshops, our experts will provide a Data & AI maturity score and a Data & AI Strategy Roadmap with short and long-term initiatives to support your maturity journey.


Generative AI Enablement Review

Advancing Analytics has developed a robust Generative AI Enablement Review framework to support your move to start using cutting-edge AI technology to boost your business.

Being an early adopter comes with risks. Take these in your stride as we help you start your journey with the legal, ethical and technological foundations firmly in place.

Our framework will assess your readiness by evaluating your current AI governance approach, your technology maturity and your cultural readiness before defining and prioritising a set of high-value use cases for AI in your organisation. 

We focus on the following key areas: 

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We look past the hype and focus on People, Process and Technology. Understanding these competing priorities is key to leveraging Generative AI solutions for positive impact. 

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Data Culture Establishment

Are your people, engaged and empowered to make the most of the possibilities presented by advanced analytics? While many organisations would say yes, their employees might not. 

Advancing Analytics has developed a comprehensive Data Culture Establishment Framework, using a series of in-depth workshops to help you create a healthy Data Culture and establish a backlog of initiatives to help you develop and maintain it.

With an understanding of your current Data Culture, gaps, pain points and opportunities, we’ll find ways to empower your people to become more aware, skilled and excited about your data. 

Advancing Analytics will use the four pillars of data culture to help create a strong foundation for positive cultural change. 

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The key thing we’ve learned over the years is that to create a healthy Data Culture, collaboration must be second nature. By establishing strong processes to support people in their data journey, our framework will help you bring people together to talk data. 


Power BI Healthcheck

Advancing Analytics will help you optimise your Power BI implementations using a tried and tested framework. Through a series of in-depth workshops, we start with an assessment of the analytical structure of your organisation. We’ll look closely at your data and analytics teams, Power BI developers throughout the organisation and end users to understand the current Power BI landscape.

Once we understand how you work and what could work better, we put together recommendations and a roadmap of short and long-term improvements that will supercharge your Power BI adoption and value.

We focus on the following key areas: 

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Looking at everything through the lenses of People, Process and Technology, we’ll evaluate your Power BI artifacts against best practice to ensure you have an optimised Power BI estate. We’ll also ensure your Power BI environment is secured and configured to best support the needs of your business.

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