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Data Engineering

More data coming into your business than you know what to do with? That’s a waste of one of your most useful resources and exactly why you need data engineering support. Data engineering is the process of designing and building scalable systems that enable you to congregate and analyse data from a diverse range of sources so you can make better business decisions, faster.


Not sure where to start? Advancing Analytics can set you on the right path by helping you define a roadmap. We partner with you to identify the best approach for your business because, in the data universe, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach.

With us as your guide, you’ll avoid the common pitfalls of data engineering that hamper the progress of so many organisations.

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Our Data Lakehouse in a Box, Hydr8 is a solution accelerator that speeds up deployment and simplifies processing, saving you nine months of upfront development time. Refined over thousands of hours across a range of verticals and domains, it has already been tried and tested by more than 25 customers worldwide.

With Hydr8, speed is very much of the essence. It turbo-charges your development process, allowing you to consume data from source to curated dataset within hours. Better still, it simplifies your data onboarding process, automating schema inference, data validation, cleansing, optimisation, lineage, and much more.

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How does it work?

We use the latest features of Azure, Spark, Databricks, and Delta Lake to rapidly and securely populate your Data Lakehouse.

Addressing the needs of both machine learning and traditional analytics, Hydr8 seamlessly connects your traditional data with your advanced data, all in a single platform.


Data Lakehouse

Before the Data Lakehouse, there was a difficult choice. Warehouses were good up to a point, but the larger they grew, the more likely they were to slow down. Data Lakes, on the other hand, lacked some of the features needed to drive critical business decisions.

The Data Lakehouse bridges these two worlds perfectly.

We get the scalability and low storage costs of the data lake, combined with the structures and management features you’d find in a data warehouse, leveraging the Delta Lake open file format meaning you aren’t locked into a specific vendor or platform.

The tools offer complete flexibility. They’re compatible with either the adaptable, schema-on-read querying that comes with engines like Apache Spark or a more structured, governed approach found with SQL.

You can store, analyse, and access unstructured data types including images, video, audio, semi-structured data and text, positioning the business to leverage bleeding edge technologies and opening new opportunities for innovation.

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Microsoft Fabric

Fabric is Microsoft’s all-singing all-dancing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) analytics platform. It’s a one-stop-shop for your entire data landscape

Fabric combines familiar Azure offerings like, Data Factory, Synapse Analytics, and Power BI all wrapped up in a single familiar platform without the overhead of setting up resources, maintenance and configuration. You can rapidly establish an end-to-end analytics solution with everything from Data Integration and Data Engineering to Data Science and real-time analytics. 

With Fabric, Microsoft are embracing the Data Lakehouse architecture in a Mesh-like vision. OneLake is the key enabler of this architecture, organising your data with ‘Domains’ and ‘Workspaces’ as an all-encompassing storage medium. OneLake comes out of the box with every Fabric tenant and is the home for all your data, putting an end to data siloes and the need to maintain growing copies of data.

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If you are a sales or supply chain leader who makes decisions based on the data that Walmart provides, you’ll be familiar with their new technology, Walmart Luminate.

If you’re not, Walmart Luminate is a set of data products providing suppliers with real-time data insights into their sales, inventory, customer behaviour, predictive analytics and collaborative tools.

Created by Advancing Analytics, Lighthouse is a packaged accelerator for the implementation of an API-led strategy for utilising Luminate data within your own cloud environment. Leveraging our battle tested data model, report templates and suite of secure and scalable onboarding processes will speed up deployment and productionisation by an average of 9 months.

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"Advancing Analytics’s expertise and offering allowed us to select and deploy industry-standard capabilities in the certainty that they were well engineered, best practice, and fit for our needs. Advancing Analytics’s boutique nature dovetailed well with Hiscox, and resulted in a tailored output, rather than the rollout of a templated solution. They have supported our engagement with Microsoft and Databricks.
Without the support of Advancing Analytics, we would not have been able to deliver useable data engineering capability in such a short timeline."

Stuart Gunson, Product Owner for Data, Hiscox UK
