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Data Architecture


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Data Architecture review

With every organisation on the planet generating and collecting data faster than ever before, the challenge is being able to extract the information you need in the form that’s easiest to work with. A robust, future-proofed Data Architecture is the blueprint for achieving your business goals with data. Good architecture ensures that data is delivered to the right people at the right time in the right format.

Your data architecture forms the foundation to build a truly data-driven business, enabling timely analytical insights, cutting-edge machine learning models, and building trust in your data. That foundation is how you accelerate your business with data.

At Advancing Analytics, we’ve developed a comprehensive Data Platform Auditing Framework consisting of a series of targeted workshops that encompass three foundational pillars affecting your data landscape: People, Process and Technology.

Understanding these competing priorities is key to building a platform that is both technically advanced and best suited to enabling better decision-making.

What's Involved?

We start by understanding your data culture and identifying gaps, pain points, and opportunities. From this, we can begin to build a set of immediate actions, long-term initiatives, and create a high-level roadmap.

In search of the answers we need, we keep asking the important questions. Do you have the skills to maintain your platform? Have you made the right technology choices? How is your data secured, processed, cleansed, harmonised and accessed?

These questions and more are addressed when we explore eight key areas of your architecture to ensure we cover all elements.

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Each key area focuses on Cost Optimization, Operational Excellence, Performance Efficiency, Reliability, and Security as supported by Microsoft’s Well-Architected Framework.

Having championed and implemented Data Lakehouse architectures since the inception of this architectural approach, we know exactly what success looks like in this area. As part of the Architecture Review, we’ll assess if this paradigm is right for your business and how you can benefit from its features.

Our team of experts supports technical teams in designing, building, and implementing a high-performing, reliable, and efficient data platform that meets both current and future business needs.
