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gavita regunath

Thanks for reading. Here you will find a huge range of information in text, audio and video on topics such as Data Science, Data Engineering, Machine Learning Engineering, DataOps and much more. The show notes for “Data Science in Production” are also collated here.

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Recent Blogs

10 Incredibly Useful Clustering Algorithms
In the previous article, we explained how clustering, an unsupervised machine learning method,...
Opening the eyes of the machine: Computer vision with AutoML (Part 1)
By Gavita Regunath and Dan Lantos Automated Machine Learning, or AutoML, has gained a lot of...
The No-Code Road to Churn Prediction
For any service company that bills on a recurring basis, a key variable is the rate of churn....
A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Feature Stores
Feature stores are rapidly gaining popularity in the machine learning environment. When I...
Understanding The Difference Between AI, ML, And DL: Using An...
I debated whether to write this piece for a long time. This was due to several factors. At a...
6 Ways AI is Transforming the Finance Industry
"AI is the 'new electricity' … just as electricity transformed many industries roughly one...
Explainability AI
Written by Dan Lantos, Ayodeji Ogunlami and Gavita Regunath TL;DR SHAP values are a...
10 Incredibly Useful Time Series Forecasting Algorithms
To Make An Impact In Your Business By Gavita Regunath and Dan Lantos “The goal of forecasting...
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