In October and November we are going on tour and speaking at a load of different events. We have almost blocked out an entire month to speak at different events across the Europe and the US. We have a mixture of training days and general sessions. We will have our surfaces charged and whiteboard markers ready to answer any questions you have relating to Advanced Analytics. We will also have about 1000 stickers to give away. Terry will also have his podcasting gear and camera for the Data Science in Production Podcast too.
Our tour goes like this: London, UK -> Utrecht, NL -> Utrecht, NL -> Mechelen,BE -> Birmingham, UK -> Bristol, UK -> Amsterdam, NL -> Seattle, WA (USA). It is a fairly epic tour and we cannot wait to meet you at one of the stops.

We kick off the tour in parallel. Terry is in London and Simon is heading to the Netherlands.
Minds Mastering Machines - London, UK - Full day Training - Terry - 1st - 3rd October

Terry will be presenting on deploying models in production. This is a full day session where we take a model from idea in to production, using the cloud, DevOps, Python, Docker and Kubernetes. This is a really fun session which will leave you with all the necessary skills to productionise a model written in any language deployed on a platform which is language, cloud and platform agnostic. This course is aimed at anyone working with Machine Learning or anyone responsible for part of the ML pipeline.
Link to the session:
Technorama - Utrecht, Netherlands - General session - Simon - October 1st

While Terry is at M3 talking about Machine Learning, Simon is at Technorama talking about Databricks. This is a developer focused event and Simon's session will cover everything you need to know to get started with Azure Databricks. If you're a developer, DBA or something else, this session will help you get up to speed with cloud scale data processing. Simon will focus on PySpark for Databricks and how to process data in the cloud.
Data Holland - Utrecht, Netherlands - Full Day Training & General sessions - Terry & Simon - 4th & 5th October

We are delivering a training day looking at Applied Azure Databricks. This is all the best bits of our 3-5 day training course in 1 day. This means we do not go into the same level of depth as we do in 3-5 days, but by the end of the session you will know what Databricks is, how it works, what is Apache Spark, how to read and write data, transforming data and the real world applied examples from our consultancy engagements. This is a demo heavy day with lots of interaction and opportunity for discussion.
We also have 2 general sessions. Terry will be talking about Graph processing in Azure Cosmos DB. Cosmos DB implements Apache Tinkerpop and Gremlin for property graph analysis. In this session we will look at the history of graph processing and why graph processing is such a big deal. Simon will be again talking about Databricks, delivering his session on Python programming for Spark using PySpark.
We will both be around for the whole event. Make sure you come and say hello!
Data Holland website:
Sign up to the training day:
Data Minds Connect - Mechelen, Belgium - Full Day Training & General sessions - Terry & Simon - 7th & 8th October

Next we have Data Minds Connect in Belgium. Now this is one we are looking forward to! If you have met Terry or Simon, then you will know we like nothing more than good beer. Well DMC in 2019 is being hosted in a Brewery - What is the worst that could happen? We will be delivering our Databricks full day training course again here, but this time with more of a focus on Machine Learning and AI. How do you do Machine Learning at scale? What if you want to look in to Deep Learning, what are the options in Azure Databricks? We will cover all the foundation topics you need to know as well as so much more.
We also have two general sessions. Terry will be delivering his favourite session. Using Artificial Intelligence to write a session abstract based on session previously submitted to conferences. We will explore the fun side of Deep Learning and look at a Long-Short-Term-Memory model for text generation. I love delivering this session. I hope to see you there. Simon will be talking about.... Databricks. Did you guess right? You win a sticker, come find us.
Data Minds connect:
Training day details:
Data Relay - Birmingham, UK & Bristol, UK - General Sessions - Terry & Simon - 10th & 11th October

After Belgium, it is a Euro Star back to the UK and straight to Birmingham, then Bristol to catch the last 2 days of Data Relay. We have both been at every day of Data Relay for the last 3 years and I have attended at least 2 days of every year. It is one of the best events in the UK. Bristol is the closest to home for Terry so that always has a special feeling - talking on home turf.
Terry will be presenting his AI session generation talk again and Simon will be doing Databricks. Both days, same sessions - So if you’re attending both days and something else is on, then no worries catch us the next day!
Data Relay:
Birmingham registration: here
Bristol registration: here
Spark Summit - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Just attending - Terry & Simon - 15th to 17th October

Given the amount we are talking about Databricks, you may be surprised that we did not submit to the Spark Summit. For us, the Spark Summit is a great way to understand what others are doing with Spark. This helps us become better developers and enables us to provide better solutions to our customers. We know that a lot of friends of Advancing Analytics will be there. We are looking to head to a pub and have a few beers (on us of course) to catch up and discuss the sessions we have seen. We will share details of this closer to the time.
Register for the Spark Summit:
For a 15% discount use the code Ref-2261
PASS Summit - Seattle, WA - Full Day Training & General sessions - Terry & Simon - 5th to the 7th November

Last but not least we are heading back to the PASS Summit in Seattle. We are delivering our Databricks training day, however this time with a focus on Data Warehousing. Databricks is the swiss-army-knife of he Azure Advanced Analytics ecosystem, it has many uses. One of those is for loading a data warehouse. In this session we will look at patterns a data warehouse developer is familiar with (Kimball, Dimensional modelling) and look at how working on a cluster changes the way you build facts and dimensions.
Simon also have a number of sessions at the Pass Summit.
Training day:
For more details on this session you can watch our video here:
We are stoked to be able to deliver so many sessions over so many fantastic events. We cannot wait to see you there.
Topics Covered :

Terry McCann