
What is Azure Databricks?

Every day this month we will be releasing a new video on Azure Databricks.

Today we are tackling "What is Azure Databricks?”.

In this video we look to understand the core concepts of Apache Spark to understand how Databricks works. From there we look at the history of Databricks and describe the fundamentals.

If you watch the video on YouTube, remember to Like and Subscribe, so you never miss a video.

Welcome to the Month of Azure Databricks presented by Advancing Analytics. In this video Simon takes you through what is Azure Databricks. He covers a history of the product and Apache Spark. This is the first video in a month of videos looking at a load of key topics which will introduce you to Azure Databricks and associated tools.

Getting started with Azure Databricks is difficult and can be expensive. Making the wrong decisions early has a huge detrimental impact on the success of your project. We work with businesses to sure their analytics project succeed and we would love to help accelerate your project in to production. Click the link below to get in touch.


Advancing Analytics have developed a course based on the needs of our customers. It is designed to take a data professional from Zero to Hero in just 3 days. You will leave this course with all the skills you need to get started on your Big Data Journey.

Take a look at our Azure Databricks training for more details.

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Terry McCann