
Starting Advancing Analytics

I am super excited to announce my new venture. For the last 2 years I have been working for Adatis Consulting Limited. I have had the opportunity to work with an incredible bunch of developers and support staff. I worked with some even better customers. But, the time has come for me to move on and go it alone. I loved what I did at Adatis, working with customers to deliver the UK's most Advanced Analytics projects on Azure. In my time there I built several Big Data solutions, bleeding edge Data Science platforms, lead customer strategy sessions and defined the companies Data Science direction. I was able to further grow and mature my understanding of Azure and all its weird and wonderful ways. To everyone at Adatis, thank you for your continued support.

As one door closes another comes swinging to life.  I would like to introduce to Advancing Analytics Limited. Advancing Analytics is an Advanced Analytics consultancy which specialises in the Azure Data Platform, Data Science and Data Engineering. We love working with customers to understand what other consultancies miss, then work together to shape those requirements in to a solution which advances their understanding of data and helps identify patterns previously hidden in dark data. Please check out our full list of services

At Advancing Analytics, I will continue my pursuit to make Data Scientists lives easier through DataOps. I love this topic. If you're creating machine learning models, and you don't know how to deploy them, then follow us on Twitter, grab some code from Github and get building. If you get stuck, stick a message on the site and I will come back to you. I have some fairly ambitious goals for Advancing Analytics and I am really looking forward to working with new customers and growing Advancing Analytics.

Advancing Analytics . www.advancinganalytics.co.uk

Advancing Analytics . www.advancinganalytics.co.uk

I have a load of really exciting content to deliver over the coming weeks. You can follow Advancing Analytics on Twitter at @AdvAnalyticsUK where I will be curating and sharing all the best and most interesting articles relating to Data Science and Data Engineering. I have published a few blogs already, and I am aiming to publish something every day for the next 60 days! That is a lot of content. Sometimes it will be a blog (www.advancinganalytics.co.uk/blog), sometimes it will be a video. All the videos will be available on my YouTube channel www.Youtube.com/AdvancingAnalytics.

Another project I am keen to share got slightly delayed (due to preparing the launch of Advancing Analytics) is my new Podcast, Data Science in Production. https://www.advancinganalytics.co.uk/data-science-in-production/ First episode will be published shortly.

I have got some incredible episodes coming up. You can look forward to an in-depth discussion with Tim Scarfe (https://twitter.com/ecsquendor) and Tempest van Schaik (https://twitter.com/Dr_Tempest) about Machine Learning Engineering and their roles at Microsoft. Then in Episode 3, My mind was blown. During Big Data London 2018 I caught up with one of my career idols, Matei Zaharia (https://twitter.com/matei_zaharia), the creator of Apache Spark. In that episode we discussed Big Data London, Databricks in Azure and his latest creation MLFlow .

I will be at the Global AI Bootcamp on Saturday the 15th of December in London if anyone wants to come and talk about Advancing Analytics. The Global AI Bootcamp is a new event which is happening in over 60 locations across the world all on the same day! In the UK we have an event in London and another in Cardiff.

Global AI Bootcamp website. https://www.globalaibootcamp.com/

Global AI Bootcamp website. https://www.globalaibootcamp.com/

I will be presenting at the Bootcamp in London on the Productionisation of Python Machine learning models inside Microsoft  SQL Server. We will build a Python model, serialise it, store it inside SQL Server and get the database engine to score data in batch. I am really looking forward to the event. I will have a load of stickers with me on Saturday 15th so come and get one. I am so excited to get started. If you're starting a project and need some guidance, let me know.


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Terry McCann